Valo Pro
11th Feb 25
- Improved: Teamcheck
- Improved : TriggerBot

Rust Light
10th Feb 25
- Added: Aim Key per weapon
- Added: Aim Position per weapon
- Added: ADS to Aimbot per weapon
- Added: 1440x1080 resolution support
- Imporved: Advanced scope detection
- Imporved: AI Update
- Imporved: Faster rapid Fire
- Imporved: Recoil adjusted for semi automatic weapons
To avoid a complete config reset you now have to touch any of these new "per weapon features" in order to save them for a specific wepaon. You only need to do this once.

DF Pro
27th Jan 25
Happy to announce that DF Pro is working great and available for everyone whos whitelisted!
You can apply in discord to get whitelisted if you havn't done so already.
DF Pro

Rainbow Pro & Light
27th Jan 25
- Fixed: Jager and Castle operator detection for all aspect ratios
- Fixed: Stop No-Recoil when weapon is empty for all aspect ratios
- Improved: Faster Operator detection

Apex Light
17th Jan 25
- Improved: Major Aimbot Performance improvement
- Improved: Aimbot logic
- Fixed: UI
Info: The performance improvement comes with some changes in aimbot speed, that's why you should lower your speed and find a new good value for yourself!

CS2 Pro
16th Jan 25
- Added: New software based screenshot method (Guide updated accordingly)
- Fixed: Weapon detection
- Fixed: If Toggle Aimbot is enabled, it won't deactivate when switching weapons

FN Light & Pro
14th Jan 25
- Improved: Major Aimbot Performance improvement
- Added: Aim psotion Head
- Fixed: UI
Info: The performance improvement comes with some changes in aimbot speed, that's why you should lower your speed and find a new good value for yourself!

Rainbow Light & Pro
12th Jan 25
- Improved: Major Aimbot Performance improvement
Info: The performance improvement comes with some changes in aimbot speed, that's why you should lower your speed and find a new good value for yourself!

Valo Pro
12th Jan 25
- Improved: Triggerbot adjustments
- Improved: Major Aimbot Performance improvement
Info: The performance improvement comes with some changes in aimbot speed, that's why you should lower your speed and find a new good value for yourself!

CS2 Pro
12th Jan 25
- Improved: Recoil adjustments
- Improved: Major Aimbot Performance improvement
- Improved: Toggle Aimbot stays now enabled across weapon switches
Info: The performance improvement comes with some changes in aimbot speed, that's why you should lower your speed and find a new good value for yourself!

MR Light & Pro
9th Jan 25
Leaving Beta
- Improved: Aimbot aim behavior
- Improved: AI Update
- Improved: Performance improvement
- Fixed: Teamcheck
- Added: New Media added in DC
Info: Enemy Outline needs to be RED now!
It was hard to find twitch streams with pink outline that the AI can watch, that's why we are switching to red.

MR Light & Pro
6th Jan 25
- Added: "Closest" aim position
- Improved: 80% more performance
- Improved: Faster trigger detection
- Improved: Trigger detection area
- Improved: No more performance penalty with larger screen resolutions
- Fixed: UI
- Fixed: Trigger fires only once
Info: The huge performance improvement comes with some changes in aimbot speed, thats why all configs have been reset to the new default aim /toggle aim speed.

Pro Prices Lowered
27th Dec 24
- Pro Subs have been lowered in price
- 15 Day option available for Pro Subs

Rainbow Light & Pro
18th Dec 24
- Added: 21:9 Aspect Ratio
- Added: Recoil adjustment short keys (Numpad keys 4 and 6 to adjust X Axis; Numpad keys 2 and 8 to adjust Y Axis)
- Adjusted: Triggerbot keeps shooting, once it detected a visual change, until Triggerbot key is releaed
- Fixed: Blackbeards secondary

Rainbow Light
22nd Nov 24
- Added: GPU check
- Fixed: Wrong Weapon selection on Operators like Blackbeard
- Fixed: Triggerbot scan area

Rust Light
20th Nov 24
- Added: Support for AMD GPUs, all features except Aimbot will work
- Added: Fertilizer Bot (auto sell Fertilizer)

Rust Light
19th Nov 24
- Added: New usable fishing bait
- Added: Improved fishing bait detection
- Added: GPU check
- Fixed: Fishing Rod detection

Rust Light
11th Nov 24
- Added: Gas Compression Overdrive attachment
- Added: Compound Bow
- Added: Crossbow
- Added: Double Barrel Shotgun
- Added: EOKA
- Added: Flamethrower
- Added: Handmade SMG
- Added: High Caliber Revolver
- Added: Hunting Bow
- Added: M4 Shotgun
- Added: Military Flame Thrower
- Added: Minigun
- Added: Pump Shotgun
- Added: SKS
- Added: Spas-12 Shotgun
- Added: Waterpipe Shotgun
- Added: "Use Aimbot" Checkbox to disable/enable Aimbot per weapon (usefull for bows maybe)
- Improved: Dead Aim Zone
- Improved: Aim position for iron sights
- Improved: Major recoil improvement
- Improved: AI Update
- Fixed: Crouch Run

Valo Pro
1st Nov 24
- Fixed: Recoil with low aim FOV
- Adjustment: FOV ( all FOVs have been reset to default values)
-Adjustment: Triggerbot
-Adjustment: Sticky Aim

Apex Light
29th Oct 24
- Added: GPU Check

- Improved: Triggerbot react to player (Snipers are OP now)
- Improved: Triggerbot shoot until key release
- ToDo: Disable Bot when opening boxes

CS2 Pro
29th Oct 24
- Added: Nearest Hitbox
- Improved: AI Update
- Improved: Triggerbot react to player
- Improved: Triggerbot shoot until key release
- Fixed: Stop after Kill (added a setup wizard)

- Fixed: Middle Mouse Button
- Fixed: UI
- Fixed: Middle Mouse Button
- Fixed: Switching Aim Key resets current weapon config to old save state
ToDo: Teamcheck

COD Light
22th Oct 24
- Improved: AI Update
- Improved: Teamcheck for Mw3
- Improved: Anti Recoil

Valo Pro
17th Oct 24
- Added: "Closest" hitbox as aim position
- Added: Dual PC support (Setup Guide adjusted)
- Improved: Security, this comes with a change for how we detect key presses, you are no longer able to use Keyboard keys to activate things like Aimbot or Triggerbot.
- Removed: Hide UI
- Removed: You cannot activate / deactivate via INSERT KEY anymore, you now click "START / STOP" with your mouse at the top

R6 Pro & Light
2nd Oct 24
- Added: Operator SKOPOS
- Added: New Weapon PCX-33
- Added: Support for DX11

CS2 Pro
29th Sep 24
- Fixed: CS2 Resolutions like 1920x1080
- Added: Full support for any monitor refresh rate, even with the NZXT HD60
- Adjusted: Setup Guide

Apex Light
17th Sep 24
- Added: DirectX 12 support

CS2 Pro
27th Aug 24
- Fixed: Weapon Categories
- Fixed: Recoil
- Fixed: Config save
- Fixed: Mouse button assign
- Added: Recoil start at 2nd shot
- Added: Aimbot start at 2nd shot
- Added: Copy current weapon config to other weapons
- Added: Resolution support for
4:3 - 1024x768
4:3 - 1152x864
4:3 - 1280x960
4:3 - 1280x1024
16:9 - 1360x768
16:9 - 1366x768
16:9 - 1600x900
- Added: Utility detection (Nades)
- Added: Stop after Kill (Beta)
- Improved: AI Update
- Improved: Aim behavior
Known issues:
- M4 & M5 buttons sometimes dont react on first click
- Mousewheel, for now switch weapons with keyboard keys
- Triggerbot

Valo Pro
20th Aug 24
- AI Update
- Minor fixes

Vanuri Client
16th Aug 24
- New UI
- Minor fixes

Rust Light
Fixed: FishingBot
Fixed: Anti AFK
Fixed: Anti AFK when fishing not turning off
Fixed: Rapid Fire active when switching to non Weapon
Fixed: Fishing Rod dot indicator not disappearing when disabling cheat
Fixed: Windows Zoom scale over 100% crashing cheat
Improved: Head, Neck and Body aim position
Improved: DLSS supported
Improved: FishingBot can be used with non fish bait (Grub and Worm)
Adjusted: UI Cheat name text
Adjusted: UI Logo
Known issues (will be fixed asap):
- FishingBot deposit
- Aimbot has too much "free room" on long distance targets
8th Aug 24

COD Light
COD now supports all of the most recent games in the COD universe. You get the best performance with games that have close - mid range.
5th Aug 24

CS2 Pro
CS2 testing is reaching it's final state. We are positive CS2 FACEIT will be available again in the next coming days.
Raspberry Pi
We have changed how the cheat works without you noticing when using the features. The most significant change is that you will need to reflash you Raspberry Pi SD-Card in order to use CS2 Pro. As of now CS2 Raspberry Pi OS is different from the other Pro products, we will move the rest of the Pro products over to the new logic as soon as possible. This way you don't have to flash back and forth.
3rd Aug 24